Dibalik Kesuksesan InfiniteSky menembus Top 10 Free Apps Store

Perjalanan InfiniteSky mencapai Top 10 Free Apps Store menuai kontroversi baik dari komunitas Game Developer dan Media Online, kontroversi seperti apa sih yang menyertai kesuksesan game ini ?

Dibalik Kesuksesan InfiniteSky menembus Top 10 Free Apps Store

Hello Citizen,

Kesuksesan game karya salah satu developer Indonesia InfiniteSky menembus Top 10 Free Apps menuai kontroversi yang tidak lain terkait strategi yang dilakukan TouchTen untuk membawa game ini ke tangga puncak Apps Store. Membaca komentar beberapa pesohor gamedev Indonesia yang nimbrung, Alasan kenapa InfiniteSky bisa masuk dalam jajaran Top 10 Apps adalah dengan menggunakan marketing strategy yang tidak alamiah. Lebih jauh lagi dari hasil penelusuran tim duniaku  terhadap komentar dari beberapa user di artikel tehinasia.com bisa dibaca diskusi yang cukup menarik antara Touchten dan Jason (salah satu pembaca artikel).

Dibalik Kesuksesan InfiniteSky menembus Top 10 Free Apps Store

Jason L July 14, 2012 at 12:31 am #

Downloaded this app out of curiosity. It looks like it climbed to Top 10 almost instantly but the number of reviews is still extremely few compared to the rest of the Top 10.

The other fast rising game at #8 has more than 5x the number of reviews. Plus looking at the actual reviews, it has almost the same number of 1 star reviews as with the 5 star reviews, which sounds like not a lot of people actually like the game.

Hint: They were either using bots or spending massive amounts of money to acquire users.

Apps don’t rise up this fast by magic. Usually happens in the following way:

1. You spend a ton of money in user acquisitions.

2. You’re a big established publisher with millions of users + you cross promote your game.

3. You have a genuine hit game with high virality and it shows in the number of actual positive reviews of the game.

4. You’re using download bots.

It just sounds like the author is friends with the devs and doing free PR for them (or easily fooled). A little more research will go a long way and add more journalistic points to this site.

Touchten menjawab :

Hi Mr Jason L.

Thank you for your comments,

We have made a video please kindly take a look:


Now here is our take of your accusations

1. We are not using bots, I have prove it in the youtube video above..

2. About reviews on itunes, let me ask a simple questions, anybody here who immediately give a review for a game/app, raise your hands… ok nobody raises their hands hehe, Now considering the “delay” in giving review.. (after you enjoy it a couple of hours, even days then you give review, and not instantly) and considering that some of us even forget to give review.. or dont want to.. it is always natural for a new app who climbed the chart to have a “delay” in users giving feedback..

3. as for these:

1. You spend a ton of money in user acquisitions.

2. You’re a big established publisher with millions of users + you cross promote your game.

3. You have a genuine hit game with high virality and it shows in the number of actual positive reviews of the game.

4. You’re using download bots.

my comments are no. 1-2 is legit, and what is the problem?? it is called marketing.. and big studios like Disney and Rovio to name a few are using these methods..It is called user acquisition.. and it is part of the strategy..

no. 3 it is true, but not all the time..

no. 4 as I mentioned.. we are not, and please watch the video carefully, in the video we have shown you our top secret Daily active users.. so people actually opens the apps/game and play it.. if a bot can do that, please tell us! I am sure EVERY developer in the planet wants that bot Dibalik Kesuksesan InfiniteSky menembus Top 10 Free Apps Store

Thank you for your comment,

I hold no grudge to anybody, but I wish before bashing in public, please do have some concrete data..

it is another human being with a hard working team, with sincere effort to publish a game that you are accusing.. and in some countries.. these could lead to legal battle…

thank you!

Touchten CEO

Anton Soeharyo

Jason L menjawab lagi :

Dibalik Kesuksesan InfiniteSky menembus Top 10 Free Apps Store

Jason L July 18, 2012 at 11:48 pm #

Anton, you’re seriously saying you did not use paid reviews? Funny because all I did was check the game on US iTunes and then sort the reviews by Most Favorable.

Try clicking on these reviewers right away from first few pages:












There’s a lot more same type of reviewers but I can’t be bothered to list them all out.

Notice that they all reviewed almost identical games with all 5 stars in almost identical order? What are the chances of this happening without being paid reviews? There’s absolutely no way this is possible without being a bulk paid review.

Sayang sekali tim dari TouchTen tidak lagi membalas komentar tersebut :(

Penasaran, tim duniaku melakukan penelusuran yang lebih dalam dari komentar terakhir dan....voila, yuk lihat chart di bawah ini (klik untuk lebih besar) :

Dibalik Kesuksesan InfiniteSky menembus Top 10 Free Apps Store

Tim Duniaku juga mendapatkan beberapa artikel yang agak bernada rant di Reddit

Dibalik Kesuksesan InfiniteSky menembus Top 10 Free Apps Store[/caption]

Penulis tetap memberikan apresiasi dan salut terhadap studio TouchTen yang telah berani menjadi memberikan contoh bahwa menembus Top Rank Apps Store adalah hal yang sangat mungkin dan (probably) bisa ditiru oleh Game Developer yang mempunyai karya yang lebih siap untuk pasar Internasional.


Jangan lupa download gamenya untuk iOS di App Store dan Android melalui Play Store.

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